

The best biography can be found in the Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online.

Other biographies (in alphabetical order):
El Christianismo Primitivo (Spanish)
Church of the Brethren Network
Ökumenischer Namenkalender (German)
Wikipedia Shorter versions are available in German, Dutch, Esperanto and Frysk.

Articles about Menno

Cornelius Krahn: Menno Simons research (1910-1960) (Church History) You need to have Jstor access to view the complete article.
Christian History Institute: Glimpses of History: Menno Simons, Fugitive Leader
Abraham Friesen: Menno Simons: The New Birth
King of Glory Mennonite Church: The Life of Menno Simons and beginning of the Mennonites
One Brick Short: Menno Simons
Jordan Pickering: The Theology of Menno Simons
Henry C. Vedder: Menno Simons and his Followers (from: A Short History of the Baptists, 1907)
Jürgen Weigle: Menno Simons (chapter from Über Mennoniten).

Menno's writings in print

The Complete Writings of Menno Simon (Amazon)
Die vollständigen Werke Menno Simon's (German; Amazon)
The cross of Christ, a comforting admonition (Amazon)
The shunning of apostates (Amazon)
Keys to salvation: Excerpts from the writings of Menno Simons (Amazon)
Foundation of Christian doctrine: Excerpts from the writings of Menno Simons and Dietrich Philip (Amazon)

Books about Menno

Harold S. Bender & John Horsch: Menno Simons' Life and Writings. A Quadricentennial Tribute 1536-1936 (Amazon)
Gerald R. Brunk [ed.]: Menno Simons. A Reappraisal (Amazon). Read a review by Linda Matties of this book.
Victor Budgen: Menno Simons (1496-1561). A study of the life and teachings of the foremost Anabaptist leader (Amazon)
Jacobus ten Doornkaat Koolman: Dirk Philips. Friend and Colleague of Menno Simons (Amazon)
Wilmer A. Harms: Our heritage through the Reformation, Menno Simons, the migrations, and the genealogy of Gerhard Theissen (Amazon)
Hans Joachim Hillerbrand: Menno Simons, molder of a tradition: A memorial tribute to a notable Reformation leader on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of his death (Amazon)
Alle Hoekema & Roelf Kuitse: Discipleship in Context. Papers Read at the Menno Simons 500 International Symposium (Amazon)
Irvin B. Horst (ed.): Menno Simons. Confession of My Enlightenment, Conversion, and Calling the New Birth (Amazon)
I. Horst: Bibliography of Menno Simons (Amazon)
Dave & Neta Jackson: The Betrayer's Fortune (Amazon).
Walter Klaassen: No other foundation. Commemorative essays on Menno Simons (Menno Simons lectures) (Amazon)
Cornelius Krahn: Menno Simons (Amazon)
Cornelius Krahn: Menno Simons' concept of the church (Amazon)
Jacob K. Lapp: Reformation briefs and results thereof: According to Martin Luther and Menno Simon from 1483 to 1700 (Amazon)
Franklin Hamlin Littell: A tribute to Menno Simons (Amazon)
Jakob and Nelleke Schiere: timeline II - living echo of Menno Simons (Dutch page)
Glen Harold Stassen: Opening Menno Simon's Foundation-Book and finding the father of Baptist origins alongside the mother, Calvinist Congregationalism (Amazon)
Sjouke Voolstra: Menno Simons. His Image and Message (Amazon)
Gary Yamasaki: Mennonite nonresistance from Menno Simons to the Selbstschutz (Amazon)

Menno's country


The Menno Simons monument outside Witmarsum
The Menno Simonsplein (Menno Simons square) in Drachten
The place where Menno was supposedly buried


Mennokate A cottage where Menno's printer may have lived.
Stichting Doopsgezinde Monumenten in Friesland (Dutch)


In a sense every organization that calls itself 'Mennonite' is named after Menno Simons. This section only lists organizations that explicitly use Menno's full name.

Menno Simons College (Winnipeg, Canada)
Menno-Simons Community School (Cleardale, Canada)
Menno Simons Christian School (Calgary, Canada)


Menno Simons Historical Library (Virginia, USA)
Internationaal Menno Simons Centrum (Netherlands)
Menno Simonszhuis (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Scouting Menno Simonsz. A Dutch scouts group