Menno Simons on ... faith
faith, which avails before God, is a living and saving power which is,
through the preaching of the holy word, bestowed of God upon the heart;
that moves, changes and regenerates it to newness of mind; that smothers
all ungodliness; that destroys all pride, ambition and selfishness; that
in malice, makes us like children, etc. Behold, such is the faith which
the Scriptures teach us, and not a vain, dead and unfruitful conjecture,
as the world pretends it to be. [p. 59]
But you should know that the righteousness which avails before God, consists not in any ceremonies and outward works, but solely in a true, pious and fruitful faith and in nothing else, in this manner. For the faith which comes by the word of God cannot be without fruit only in those who sin against the Holy Ghost, as said above, but it leads into all manner of righteousness, it willingly submits itself in all obedience and it cheerfully complies not only with baptism, but with all the words and ceremonies which God, the gracious Father, through his blessed Son, has so clearly taught and commanded in his holy gospel. [p. 217]
This, I say, is our foundation, and, by the grace of God, it will ever
remain our foundation, for we truly know and confess that it is the invincible
word and truth of the Lord; therefore we testify before you and before
all the world that we do not agree with those who teach and institute
a dead faith, which they gather from profane history: First, that without
change, there can be Spirit, power and fruits. Secondly, that we can be
saved by our own merits and works, for reasons above stated. [p. 264]
All excerpts are from The complete works of Menno Simon (Elkhart, Ind., 1871).